Tech offboarding checklist

Tech offboarding checklist

Employee offboarding doesn't get as much attention and effort as employee onboarding. While it's natural to enjoy welcoming new employees, it's also important to make sure that your employees who are leaving are given a graceful exit. Parting ways on a positive note benefits everyone by keeping the work environment welcoming and leaving opportunities open for improvement. Employee offboarding is essential to mitigate security and legal risks and an effective way to gather valuable feedback so you can improve employee retention in the future.

A formalized employee offboarding procedure also increases the likelihood that good employees will return to your company later. Employees who leave and then return are referred to as "boomerang employees" and are desirable in a tight labor market.

We built a checklist for you to use and modify to better cover your needs. Fill up the forms to have access.

What this tool does for you:

Keep the doors open and say goodbye with security and respect.

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