Find, Hire & Pay Remote Engineers Based in Latin America

Get an instant, tailored shortlist of ideal candidates from our network of 400,000+ vetted developers, perfectly matching your specific requirements.

Hire who you want, pay in local currencies—no upfront contracts, just pay as you go.

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Trusted by 250+ companies at the forefront of innovation


Hire just the candidates who meet your specific requirements

With Revelo, you're in complete control over who you hire. You'll get a curated shortlist of top-rated candidates from our network of 400,000+ engineers, and you decide which candidates you want to interview & hire.

Fully-vetted & screened candidates
Filter by skills, experience & salary
Rich, detailed profiles with work samples
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Learn how we vet top engineer talent

Pay in local currency and offer local benefits—no subsidiary required

Revelo handles payroll, taxes, & compliance for your LatAm-based engineers, so you don't have to worry about navigating foreign legal requirements. And you can offer local benefits to your contractors to keep them happy and engaged.

Hire and pay in any LatAm country*
Onboard in 24 hours
Save on hiring costs
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A dedicated team of local staffing experts ready to help at every step

We think ai is cool, but there are still some things that humans just do better—like hire other humans. That's why our in-market staffing experts help you assess candidates, make winning offers, and onboard your hires for success.

Candidate selection & review support
Local market insights & strategies
Ongoing support and coaching
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Tap in to the hottest source of talented, collaborative engineers

Latin America is one of the fastest growing markets of highly-skilled engineers, fluent in English, who score high in soft skills and work in US-aligned time zones.

Score high in soft skills
600,000 engineers graduated yearly
5 Hours Maximum Time Difference

We have the skills you're looking for

4.7 out of 5 stars

Leading companies use Revelo to hire the best developers in Latin America

G2 badge - Users Love UsG2 badge - High Performer - Americas Fall 2023
“Revelo took all the hassle out of finding great talent

Revelo manages the entire process for you. They found candidates; responded and adjusted their search based on my feedback; scheduled interviews; etc. After spending an inordinate amount of time trying to find the talent we needed in-house -- and honestly not doing a great job of it -- they got us a developer we're thrilled with.

Jamie C.

CEO & Member • Splash Inc.

"Terrific partner that has been instrumental in helping us scale

Very well-vetted, high-quality candidates, ensure that I don't waste time interviewing unqualified people. They also make payroll a breeze and allow us to offer competitive benefits packages and provide hardware to our employees. They help find solutions that work for you rather than just making up the numbers and building a funnel.

Mark E.

Head of Product • NOK

“The Revelo team showed a flexible and personalized approach

to helping Carnegie Learning navigate a talent-sourcing strategy and successfully execute that strategy. The candidates they sourced were top-notch, and the care they took with the process felt very human and personal.”

Jason W.


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